NSUCOM EMS Club Information
The Nova Southeastern University Emergency Medicine Society is dedicated to
the exploration of emergency medicine as a future specialty. Through interaction
with the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians, NSUCOM-EMS
members gain valuable insight into emergency medical career paths. The NSUCOM
EMS club features regular guest speakers. Recent topics have included:
Residency Q&A
Airway Management
Trauma Care
Physician Assistant's role in trauma/EM
Pediatric Critical Care and Resuscitation
Additionally, the EMS club sponsors skills clinics. First and second year
medical students (as well as PA students) will have the opportunity to practice
lifesaving techniques like endotracheal intubation, defibrillation, and
intra-osseous access for critically ill pediatric patients. In conjunction with
the surgery club, the club offers a suture clinic. This year will bring more
opportunities for increased emergency medical knowledge. A limited number of
students will be able to participate in ride alongs with local fire rescue
agencies as a preclinical preceptorship elective. NSUCOM EMS members gain
valuable patient assessment experience through participation in community health
screenings. NSUCOM EMS members last year volunteered at health fairs, CPR day,
and at senior care centers. We welcome your input and suggestions. Please
contact any of the officers for more information! See you at the next meeting!
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