NSUCOM / Emergency
Medicine Society
Tentative Calendar of Events
Paramedic Russell Valentine of Alachua County, Florida, demonstrates the power of touch
Second Semester Schedule of Events
March 18th, 2003
Bioterrorism Roundtable: Mitigation, Response, and Preparation
Auditorium A, 6:00 pm
Scheduled to attend:
Robin McFee, DO, MPH, Chair, NSUCOM Center for Bioterrorism/WMD Education
Geoffrey T. Miller, NREMTP, Educational Coordinator, UM/JM Center for Research
in Medical Education
William Fugate, Director, State of Florida Division of Emergency Management
Bernard Loeffke, PA-C, Major Genera, USA (Ret).
March 24th, 2003
Presentation on Stroke
Division of EMS Training Conference Room, 6:00 pm
Third floor, Ziff Clinic Building
Tony Gandia, MD, Medical Director, North Lauderdale Fire Rescue
April 2nd, 2003
Trauma Clinic with SOSA
Division of EMS Training, 5:30 pm
Larry Lottenberg, MD, FACS, Trauma Surgeon
Memorial Regional Hospital
April 7th, 2003
EMS Officer Elections and CPR Day Orientation
New Auditorium
Begins at Noon
April 21st, 2003
Pediatric Critical Care
Auditorium C, 5:30 pm
G. Patricia Cantwell, MD, Director of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
April 22nd, 2003
CPR Day Orientation
EMS Preclinical Preceptorship Wrap Up
Noon, New Auditorium
April 26th, 2003
Health Professions Building
Stroke Screenings and Mass CPR Training at the Cafeteria
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