Nova Southeastern
College of Osteopathic Medicine
EMS Preclinical Preceptorship Resource Page
Course Number: IDC 5313/5314
Kevin Nugent, EMT-P, Director of EMS
Education and Training, NSU-COM
Cherif Nahas, AS, NREMT-P, Program
Coordinator, EMS Education and Training, NSUCOM
Joel Gordon, EMT-P, Battalion Chief, Plantation Fire Rescue
Attendant Paramedics, Plantation Fire Rescue Department
Ben Lawner, DO, EMT-P
Emergency Medicine Resident
University of Maryland Medical System
Kevin Boehm, DO, MSc
Emergency Medicine Resident
Henry Ford Affiliated Osteopathic Emergency Medicine Residency
This course is designed to familiarize the junior medical student with the
delivery of care in the prehospital environment.
Students will ride along with paramedics from the Plantation Fire Department and
observe the delivery of advanced
life support care in the field. Ideally, the student will gain an appreciation
for the training required of EMTs, paramedics,
and first responders. Furthermore, the student will become familiar with
challenges unique to the provision of medical
care outside of the hospital.
The students will complete orientation and exit interviews conducted by course
faculty and/or advisors. In addition
to the three hours of didactic instruction, the student will complete a total of
15 (fifteen) hours of ride-a-long time.
Upon completion of the required didactic sessions, students are eligible for a
course completion certificate issued by
the Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine Division of EMS
Education and Training. This
course is good for 0.5 credit hours and is offered at no charge to medical
students in good standing.
Ride a-long times are subject to availability. Shifts at PFD are subject to
change but are currently scheduled from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Students are NOT
permitted to schedule time after 10:00 pm due to station security regulations.
Students who remain at the station beyond their scheduled time will do so at the
sole discretion / approval of the on duty lead paramedic or station captain. It
is recommended that students schedule time in a minimum of four hour blocks.
All necessary documents are available on this website. Students need to have the
following documents completed prior to the issuance of a certificate: (1)
Students need to have a signed attendance log. This document is signed by your
paramedic preceptor at the end of your ride a long shift. When all shifts have
been completed, bring the attendance log to the course coordinator. (2) Students
need to submit a form for elective approval. This elective is for one-half (.5)
credit hours and is broken down into three didactic hours and fifteen hours of
field work. Having this form on file with the dean's office covers you, the
student, under NSUCOM's liability insurance. Patient logs are recommended but
NOT mandatory. (3) The waiver of liability basically releases NSUCOM and
Plantation Fire Department from liability. This form, along with the Elective
Application from NSUCOM needs to be completed PRIOR to the start date. Besides
achieving familiarity with pre-hospital providers, this courses is intended to
be enjoyable and low stress. Please don't hesitate to contact anyone in the EMS
office if you require further guidance or information.
The following documents are available on the Yahoo! Discussion group
forum under the files section. For ease of use, you can right click the
following links and then, "save target as."
1. Course Syllabus (available in Microsoft Word format)
2. Waiver of Liability
3. Plantation Fire Rescue Station Locations
4. Elective Application form from NSUCOM (available in Microsoft Word format)
5. Yahoo! Discussion group for
current and former EMS Preceptorship students
EMS Course Orientation Packet